For patients with concerns over the appearance of their chin, Mr John Blythe may have the solution to help you.
The proportions of the different facial units in the face are key to overall facial beauty. The chin is an important aspect of this. A small chin can may give the impression of oversized lips or nose.
While a large prominent chin and be distracting from the other beautiful subunits of the face.
The Esthetic Line or E-Line ( Dr RIckett’s) is a line drawn from the tip of nose to the point of the chin. The upper lip should lie 4 mm behind the line while the lower lip 2mm. This is considered an
“average” ideal. People see this as beautiful and attractive. A small or large chin interferes with this relationship.
For men a weak chin is less idea aesthetically and socially. 9 out of 10 Forbes Magazine male models and movie stars all have a strong jawline and chin. For women the correctly balanced chin
is also important. 7 out of 10 female models in Forbes Magazine have chins that meet the E line proportion or are slightly in front of this line.
For minor deficiency, hyaluronic acid dermal fillers or autologous fat injections can provide great results.
However for moderate to severe cases a chin lengthening or shortening surgery (genioplasty) is required. This involves precise bone cuts inside the mouth, movement of the chin to the correct
position and fixation of the chin with mini-titanium plates and screws. The postoperative discomfort is similar to having a wisdom tooth removed.
Alternatively, chin implants can be placed through a small incision (2-4cm) below the chin. The implant can be designed specifically for your face to give you the best look possible. Down time is
minimal with many patients returning to normal lives within 48 hours. See the patient education videos for further information.